Spark the expansion of your essential nature . . .

Invigorate Liberate Celebrate

Shift paradigm from the depth of your soul
to the peak of your possibilities . . .

Credit: Jan Novotny

Upcoming Offerings at the Haven on Gabriola Island

Weaving the Threads of Consciousness: Integrating Psychedelic and Peak Experiences: November 7-10

  • Transformative work is vital to support the shifts in consciousness necessary to adapt, thrive and lead in the complexity of these very interesting times. There are many wonderful opportunities to help these consciousness shifts through psychedelic and other altered state processes however, many participants who have these ‘transformative experiences’ neglect to integrate them sufficiently. The transformative potential of the experience and the resources invested are wasted, or worse, the person’s world is completely destabilized.


Grieving: April 18-21, 2024

  • Grieving is a powerful capacity that is largely undeveloped, overlooked and undervalued in our culture.

    When we don’t grieve fully and responsively, we carry the experience(s) with us and hold them in our bodies. This can have difficult implications for our physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing in the short and long terms. If you want to learn this essential life skill and embrace the rest of your life, join us for Grieving: Endings, Losses & Change.


Haven-Style Embodiment Training: April 26-May 1

  • Psychological and emotional energy restrictions from traumatic events and neglectful emotional experiences are held deeply in our body, and lie at the root of distress, dissociation and disembodiment.

    In order to responsibly guide another person to liberate their self from these unconscious restrictions of their inner strength, passion, physical and mental health and vitality through facilitating embodiment practices, the practitioner must first tend to their own embodiment.

    This program is for helping professionals who are keen to learn and experience body, breath and energy practices as a way to skillfully open into the depths of the body and psyche.


Mandarin Living Alive Essentials: June 6-19, 2024

  • Mandarin Living Alive Essentials is co-facilitated by Wen-Shwu Lee and is an opportunity for Mandarin-speakers to engage in a 12-day Haven experience on Gabriola Island.

    In a highly experiential and choice-based environment, you’ll immerse yourself in The Haven’s models and concepts, with opportunities to go deeper, practice, and expand your range of being. Participants are encouraged to question their assumptions, explore their beliefs, and challenge their patterns in a respectful environment. Join a community of seekers and engage in the ultimate experience of self-discovery and transformation.


Teens Alive Essentials:
August 17-22, 2024

  • In our teen years, we have an important opportunity to learn about our ‘self’ and to learn to communicate clearly from this place of strength. We can improve and deepen friendships and relationships, and also learn to be emotionally self-supporting. Teens Alive is designed to encourage you in this process.

    Over the last twenty years, David Raithby and I have gathered and supported a wonderful team of facilitators and youth assistants who have helped make the program what it is today. Two of those former youth leaders, Annika Raithby and Mackenzie Dickson, will be teaming up with me to lead the program with a new updated structure co-designed with me and David.

    Teens Alive is for youth aged 14-19.


Breathe! Recalibrate:
November 22-24, 2024

  • If you’re new to the Haven or to personal work:

    This weekend will be a gentle yet profound entry that offers the essential foundation of consciously breathing for embodiment, heightened awareness, and healing.

    If you’ve already been to the Haven:

    You’ll know that breath is core to initiating and integrating your physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual Self. This weekend is is intended to be a refreshing immersion into refining and deepening your capacity.

    If you’ve participated in this Breathe! program previously:

    In response to requests, I’ve expanded it by one day to allow time for increased depth, discovery and invigoration. Each time I offer Breathe! I incorporate different dimensions of conscious breathing. In November’s iteration we will include exploration of the consciousness expanding, soul nourishing aspects of breathing.

    If you are working in a helping profession:

    The Breathe! program will be supportive not only for your own wellbeing and self-care, it will offer healing, grounding, regulating, life enhancing, liberating breathing practices and techniques that may be useful professionally

    Whatever your reason, I’ll be delighted to share this body and soul nourishing weekend with you.


Credit: Jan Novotny


Credit: Jan Novotny

Gathering in a circle to engage in intensely personal and inventive ways is the most healing, life enriching experience imaginable.  Every one of us emerges with fresh insight, vitality, inspiration, well-being, and inner strength, prepared to thrive from a deepened sense of connection.

Credit: Jan Novotny

Portals of Expansion

  • Conscious Breathing

    Conscious breathing is our most potent healing, enlivening capacity. During this dynamic program you will experience a range of breathing patterns that will enhance and sustain your overall vitality and well-being for the rest of your life.

  • Defining Boundaries

    Defining then acting on a boundary is a relational issue, which is why boundary challenges show up every-where, every-day, personally and professionally. In this illuminating program, you will learn how to discern, define, and express effective boundaries.

  • Shadow Exploration

    Every one of us has parts of ourselves that we unconsciously repress or deny. Becoming acquainted with our elusive shadow reconnects us with the broader dimensions of our self and others, our deeper nature, our passion and our potential.

  • Art & Science of Communication

    We humans create, influence and reveal our reality through our languaging. There is a fine art to expressing our reality, verbally and non-verbally, in such a way that we are actually understood by others and listening to others in such a way that we come to understand them.

  • Depression alternatives.

    Depression Alternatives

    From within the depths of depression it is difficult to find the light. This revealing program is an exploration of hidden factors that support suppressing and depressing. Alternatives in support of embracing a fuller, more joyful life will be illuminated.

  • Fully Grieving

    Grieving is a skill that is often undeveloped and overlooked. In this compassionate program, we will learn together and journey through the dimensions of grieving and mourning to open the flow of burdened life-force and emerge full-heartedly.

  • Psychedelic Integration

    Expanding into non-ordinary realms of consciousness through psychedelic journeys or other peak experiences is a privilege – and whatever you encounter offers treasures that require integration to be authentically beneficial. It’s time to start living your larger life!

Credit: Harvey Schipper